Valeria C F Barbosa added missing citations to bibliography  almost 11 years ago

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month = "Jan",  pages = "K1-K9",  }  @article{erez-Flores_Gomez-Trevino_2005,  title = "Refinement of three-dimensional multilayer models of basins and crustal environments by inversion of gravity and magnetic data",  volume = "397",  url = "",  doi = "10.1016/j.tecto.2004.10.010",  number = "1-2",  journal = "Tectonophysics",  publisher = "Elsevier",  author = "Gallardo, Luis A. and Pérez-Flores, M.A. and Gómez-Treviño, E.",  year = "2005",  month = "Mar",  pages = "37-54",  }