Methylation patterns in Phaeodactylum Tricornutum

At this stage, we have concluded that our analysis pipeline is sound and yields the expected results when tested on studied organisms. We want to apply the same analysis on the methylation profile P. tricornutum.

The first observation is that 5-methylcytosine positions in P. tricornutum don’t show any sign of a perdiodical pattern. We have run an autocorrelation analysis over different regions : highly methylated regions, genes and transposable elements. Raphael Champeimont, a Ph.D. student in the lab, has helped by using his own FFT-based algorithm to provide us with a set of regions that contain repetitive snRNA levels. We ran the same analysis again, and still, the 5-mC signal inside those regions seems random without any recognizable pattern. The same results have been observed for T. pseudonana.