Julien Emile-Geay edited Discussion.tex  over 9 years ago

Commit id: ed3b30957365813673aa7c5748c116e9c3b3fe91

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\section{Discussion}  Points to hit :  \begin{itemize}  \item can accommodate a wide variety of paleo archives, as long as they basically look like a timeseries or a set of timeseries.  \item why this design and not another? explain why this encompassed all the possibilities encountered so far. If it works for PAGES2k, it is likely to work for many user communities, as long as they can agree on a common vocabulary.   \item we want feedback!   \item given geochronology, this format is relatively mature and field-tested (e.g. PAGES2k examples)  \item geochronological standards are much more tentative, and will require a lot more community consultation and experimentation. How should we report radiocarbon, 210Pb or U-series measurements in a standard way? What about mixed chronologies? This matters for bulk processing of a large database, accounting for age uncertainties.   \end{itemize}