Nick McKay edited A flexible container for paleoclimate data.tex  about 9 years ago

Commit id: ce902355f5b08eeffd58f93416fbe50b893af619

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},  \end{verbatim}  Describing the columns in the datatable in the LiPD framework allows explicit encoding of key metadata that are commonly lost or misunderstood in current data structures. For example, the ``climateInterpretaion'' section above allows the scientist to explicitly describe the details of how the parameter ``senses'' climate. When encoded as above and explicitly defined and linked (see section ..), the knowledge that this record is interpreted to record May through July sea surface temperature, and that those temperature estimates were derived from the Mg/Ca calibration equations of \citep{Barker_2005} and \citep{Thornalley_2009}  becomes built into the dataset, and readable to both people and computers. It's queryable, and linked to other datasets, and reduces the chance that the dataset will be used in ways that are outside the published interpretations.