Nick McKay edited Introduction.tex  about 9 years ago

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These two issues are clearly related, but somewhat distinct in practice. The data container must be universally readable, a condition satisfied by, for instance, netCDF files, which have been used for paleoclimate syntheses \cite{Wahl_2010}. However, such files only allow for fixed schemas and require identical fields for all proxies. In reality, each proxy dataset may have a unique set of data and metadata properties. For broader applicability, we thus require a more flexible format. Further, to enhance the relevance of paleoclimate data to other fields, one would like this data container to be compatible with the Linked Data paradigm \cite{Bizer_2009}, which allows for data-driven discovery between datasets that would otherwise be unlikely or impossible.   In this technical note, we present LiPD (Linked Paleo Data) a new, flexible linked-data container designed for paleoclimate data. Such a data container is a necessary first step towards a ``semantic web of paleoclimatology'' \cite{Emile_Geay_2013}, and provides a straightforward framework in which communities and researchers can explicitly describe their data and metadata in common terms that the community, and computers, can understand. In the process, we introduce a preliminary data standard for paleoclimatology. Indeed, such a standard is essential to structuring the metadata, though the container is flexible enough to accommodate many revisions and udpates. updates.  Ideally, such a standard would proceed from a community-wide discussion, and the establishment of a consensus, which has yet to take place in our field. One goal of the present work is to spark such a discussion by giving the worldwide paleoclimate community a strawman to improve upon. This article is structured as follows: In section 2 we describe the new container, LiPD. In section 3 we describe the proposed metadata standard. We close with a discussion section.