Nick McKay edited Data and metadata standards - linking the data.tex  about 9 years ago

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The flexible container described in section 2 can serialize any set of paleoenvironmental data with rich metadata. However this framework only becomes useful when a common vocabulary with explicit meanings is applied to the data. Developing this vocabulary requires buy-in from experts across the disparate domains of the paleogeosciences, and will be a gradual process of evolving standards. To begin this conversation, here we outline a preliminary metadata standards for required metadata, based on phase 2 of the \href{}{Past Global Changes (PAGES) past two thousand years (2k)} project. The following are the minimal metadata for every paleoArchive in the network. Many records include additional desirable data and metadata; an ongoing extended metadata table is available here. To illustrate this standard more concretely, we use the dataset of \citet{Thornalley_2009} as an example (Figure 2 and Table below).  \begin{description} \begin{enumerate}  \item[Base metadata] metadata that apply to the dataset as a whole:  \begin{description}  \item[dataSetName] name of the dataset; that is, an alphanumeric string that uniquely characterizes this record in the database, often based on site, authors, year and ancillary information \textit{example: RAPiD-12-1K.Thornalley.2009} 

\item[investigator] \textit{example: David Thornalley}  \end{description}  \item[Geospatial metadata] metadata that apply to the location of the study site: site, following the GeoJSON convention:  \begin{description}  \item[latitude] both value (e.g., mean, max, min) \item[coordinates] longitude, latitude,  and units; elevation, in units of decimal degrees and meters above sea level;  \textit{example: “value” : "coordinates": [-17.82,  62.08, “units” : decimalDegrees}  \item[longitude] both value (e.g., mean, max, min) and units; -1938]}  \item[type] geographic feature type (typically "point" or "polygon"  \textit{example: “value” : -17.82, “units” : decimalDegrees} point}  \item[siteName] \textit{RAPiD-12-1K}  \end{description}  \item[Publication metadata] metadata that apply to the publication(s) associated with the paleoArchive:  \begin{description}  \item[DOI] publication Digitial Object Identifier; \textit{example: 10.1038/nature07717}  \item[citation] long publication string if DOI is unavailable; \textit{example: Thornalley, David JR, Harry Elderfield, and Nick McCave. “Holocene Oscillations in Temperature and Salinity of the Surface Subpolar North Atlantic.” Nature 457, no. 7230 (2009): 711–14.}  \item[pubString] short text citation; \textit{example: Thornalley et al., 2009}  \end{description}