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Ecuador is located in the north-west side of South-America (see Figure 1). The country has a diverse geography. It comprises a continental territory between the latitudes 01\textsuperscript{o} 28' N and 05\textsuperscript{o} 02' S and longitudes 75\textsuperscript{o} 11' W and 81\textsuperscript{o} 04' W \cite{InstitutoGeograficoMilitarIGM2013a}. The Galapagos Islands are also part of the country. The islands are approximately 1000 Km from the continent. The national territory has a total area of 256.370 Km\textsuperscript{2} \cite{InstitutoGeograficoMilitarIGM2013a}. The Andes mountains divide the continental Ecuador into three regions: the Coast, Andean and Amazon regions. Each of these regions has diverse geographical features, climate, and ecosystems. The highlands are the most wildfire-prone region because of its specific natural characteristics.  The Andes mountains are the most important geographical feature of Ecuador—and South-America— \cite{Insel2010}. This mountain range crosses Ecuador from North to South. The Ecuadorian Andes comprises two flanks of mountains: the Eastern and Western 'Cordilleras'. Between these two flanks —that include active volcanoes—there are several inter-Andean valleys. Many of these Andean plateaus are over 3000 m above sea level. The steep elevations have an important effect on local climate. The lapse rate create the conditions for different Bio-climatic zones to exit. This enhances biodiversity. Yet, the original vegetation of the Andean valleys has almost disappeared. Most of the endemic vegetation was replaced by the Australian specie \textit{Eucalyptus globulus} around 1860 \cite{MinisteriodeAmbientedelEcuador2012}. Other introduced species are the \textit{Pinus radiata} (from California) and the \textit{Pinus patula} (from Mexico). This occurred for commercial reasons \cite{Anchaluisa2013} with great ecological impact. Further, these species are prone to wildfires. wildfires in the dry Andean season.  \subsubsection{Climate}