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\subsubsection{Fire}  Wildfires occur in the four geographical regions of Ecuador. The Andean region or 'la Sierra' is where most of the introduced eucalyptus forest exists \cite{Anchaluisa2013}. Thus, the availability of fuels makes la Sierra the most wildfire-prone region in the country. The fire season in this region spans from July to November \cite{SecretariadeAmbiente2013}. Yet, the most critical months are July, August and September \cite{Estacio2012,SecretariadeAmbiente2013}. During the season January-May, the Coastal region and the Galapagos Islands experience wildfire episodes as well \cite{SecretariadeAmbiente2013}. The northern part the the Amazon region does not experience severe wildfire episodes because of its high levels of precipitation all year round. The southern part of the Amazon region experiences similar climatic conditions as La Sierra. Thus, its wildfire season is the same, although the most critical months are October and November. November \cite{SecretariadeAmbiente2013,Rodas2015}.