Daniel Pazmino edited untitled.tex  over 8 years ago

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\section{Discussion}  This study has investigated the variability of seasonal wildfire potential in Ecuador and its relationship with ENSO phases. Using a seasonal metric of wildfire potential—cumulative FFDI during the season July-August-September-, July-August-September—,  this study detected that five extreme seasons occurred during the period 1963-2912. 1963-2012.  An extreme season was defined as any year with a seasonal FFDI greater than the 90th percentile value. Most of this these  seasons—four out of five—occurred during diverse categories of El Niño strength—from weak to very strong—. On the other hand, the 2012 season—one of the most catastrophic—occurred during a La Niña event. Overall, a closer relationship between seasonal wildfire potential and El Niño events agrees with previous findings.