Daniel Pazmino edited figures/original_time_series/caption.tex  over 8 years ago

Commit id: 425d14280e465e89072f5550f0cbe9facd7abf3f

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Figure 3: Seasonal July-August-September (JAS) time series of wildfire weather variables in Ecuador for the period 1997-2012. Original Tweentieth Century Reanalysis (20CR) and weather station (WS) data correspond to regional averages in the Ecuadorean Andrean Andean  region. Pearson's linear correlation coefficients for 16 seasons are: a) Maximum temperature (Tmax)(r=0.36,p=0.17), b) Relative humidity (RH) (r=0.14,p=0.59), c) Wind speed (W) (r=0.52,p=0.04), d) Precipitation (P) (r=0.33, p=0.21).