Daniel Pazmino edited untitled.tex  over 8 years ago

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The west coast of South America is one of the regions most affected by ENSO's influence over climate. Abundant scientific literature exists regarding flooding episodes in northern Peru and the southern coast of Ecuador during El NiƱo events. However, there has not been enough research regarding its influence over other natural hazards such as wildfires. Wildfires occur over the entire Andean region. However, studies about wildfire activity in the northern Andean region are scarce. This study aims to describe the seasonal variability of wildfire danger in Ecuador and establish if there is a link with ENSO. This is important because wildfires occur every year in this country producing severe impacts. A better understanding of the seasonal influence of ENSO over wildfire danger can provide useful information for emergency response services and planning authorities.   This article comprises six sections. In the first section we presented an overview of wildfires impacts, precursors and justified the importance of this study. Section two describes the geography, climate and fire characteristics of thethe  Ecuadorian Andean region. region which is the study area.  Section three presents details about the datasets employed in this research. Section four explain the different methods applied. Section five shows the results of our investigation. Finally, section six presents a discussion of the results and concluding remarks.