Laura Chomiuk edited innovations.tex  about 9 years ago

Commit id: e0d0a73f15ca0811ac0b84efe07199e6e5989e93

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Students are expected to do their lab work using \ipython\ notebooks. There are several reasons for adopting \texttt{Python}: it is widely used in astronomy; it is easy to learn but supports complex programming; it has powerful libraries---\np, \sp, and \plt---for numerical analysis and plotting; and the \ipython\ notebooks are relatively platform-independent.\footnote{To ensure a standard working environment, we currently have the students install a virtual machine (\href{}{VirtualBox}) running Ubuntu\textsuperscript{TM} Linux. Given the widespread availability of \ipython, we will likely drop the usage of virtual machines in subsequent editions of this course.}  Figure~\ref{f.sample-datasets} illustrates an in-class \ipython\ exercise that was used to illustrate the $\chi^2$-test. The students use the notebook to generate fake datsets, compute $\chi^2$ for those datasets, and then answer questions about their findings. When finished, the students upload their \ipython\ notebooks to a course dropbox for grading.  \subsection{Regular Encounters with "Real" Data and Observatory Archives}