Edward Brown edited motivation.tex  about 9 years ago

Commit id: 82fdaeac3599f6bffa8911ba8ae332962a991e0e

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\end{itemize}  \end{quote}  Data analysis and numerical computation are now ubiquitous in astronomy; undergraduate curricula have been slower to train students in a systematic fashion in these skills. At Michigan State University, astronomy students are required to complete a senior thesis. We have been dissatisfied with As noted in  the preparation accreditation report,  \begin{quote}  During the past decade, we have found that many  of our  students for longer, open-ended research projects, such as begin their senior thesis project without the statistical,  computational, and/or database skills needed to make sufficiently  rapid progress. Our faculty members have therefore had to spend  precious one-on-one thesis-advising time teaching skills  that students could have learned as part  of a typical two-semester research project. Moreover, their coursework.  \end{quote}  In addition to the statistical and computational skills mentioned here,  astronomy, like other STEM fields, is increasingly collaborative. Skills such as communication and project management are an essential component of a student's education. \subsection{About AST 208}