Edward Brown edited innovations.tex  about 9 years ago

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\section{Innovations}  \subsection{Regular encounters with "real" ``real''  data and observatory archives} \label{sec:encounters-with-data}  Lab exercises in AST~208 are created with the goal of yielding an authentic research experience for students. Our redesigned labs are therefore built around real data, accessed from astronomical archives and the \href{http://www.pa.msu.edu/astro/observ/}{MSU Observatory}, such as professional astronomers would use. The data are not ``sanitized'', but contain imperfections that the students (and instructors!) must contend with, for example poor seeing, cosmic rays, and inaccurate metadata. Dealing with such often unpredictable flaws builds student problem-solving skills, while illustrating the everyday challenges of observational astronomy. Such problem- or project-based learning strategies in a collaborative environment are broadly effective at improving student achievement \citep[for a review, see][]{Prince_2004}.