Edward Brown deleted figures/sample-datasets/FittingData.ipynb  about 9 years ago

Commit id: 1899aa335a649ab664d345184b62124d7c173b07

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In practice this means finding $a$, $b$ that minimize\n",  "\\begin{equation*}\n",  " \\chi^2 = \\sum_{i=1}^N \\frac{\\left[y_i - y(x_i)\\right]^2}{\\sigma^2}.\n",  "\\end{equation*}\n",  "Even though this line will be the one that fits the data the best, it doesn't necessarily imply, however, that the fit is any good. To determine the goodness-of-fit, we look at $\\chi^2$ and compare its value to what we would expect if our assumptions are correct: namely, that the $y$ and $x$ pairs are linearly related, but the $y$ have some flucuations that obey a gaussian relation with standard deviation $\\sigma$.\n",  "\n",  "To show how this works, we'll use `Python` to construct datasets that violate these assumputions, and then we'll see what happens to the $\\chi^2$ values. \n",  "\n",  "##Set up the workspace\n",  "As before, we'll load in `numpy` and `matplotlib.pyplot`. We'll also bring into our *namespace* the `random` function from the `numpy.random` module. This is done for convenience, to avoid typing `np.random.random`. We also import a class, `sampleDataSets`, from the file `sample_datasets`, which you should have in the directory containing this notebook."  ]  },  {  "cell_type": "code",  "collapsed": false,  "input": [  "%matplotlib inline\n",  "import numpy as np\n",  "from numpy.random import random\n",  "import matplotlib.pyplot as plt"  ],  "language": "python",  "metadata": {},  "outputs": []  },  {  "cell_type": "markdown",  "metadata": {},  "source": [  "##Create a class `sampleDataSets`\n",  "This sets up a class to make the fake datasets."  ]  },  {  "cell_type": "code",  "collapsed": false,  "input": [  "from numpy import linspace,zeros\n",  "from numpy.random import standard_normal, random, random_integers\n",  "\n",  "class sampleDataSets:\n",  " \"\"\"\n",  " Sets up a linear relation, y = m*x + b. Datasets can be generated \n",  " from this relation by adding gaussian fluctuations to each y. The std. \n",  " deviation of the fluctuation are chosen from a uniform random distribution \n",  " between 0.3 and 0.7. There are 3 choices for datasets.\n",  " 1. Fits the data much better than would be indicated by the size of its\n",  " quoted uncertainties. The real fluctations have a std. dev. that is \n",  " 1/5 of the quoted one.\n",  " 2. Uncertainties are drawn from a normal distribution with a standard\n",  " deviation matching the size of the errorbars. This should produce\n",  " an ideal chi^2 distribution if many trials are conducted.\n",  " 3. Identical to 2, but 20% of the datapoints are given 5 sigma \n",  " fluctuations.\n",  " \"\"\"\n",  " \n",  " _slope = 3.0\n",  " _intercept = 1.0\n",  " _sig_low = 0.3\n",  " _sig_high = 0.7\n",  "\n",  " def __init__(self):\n",  " \"\"\"\n",  " Sets the relation, the nominal size of the errorbars, and the actual \n",  " size of the errorbars.\n",  " \"\"\"\n",  " a = self._sig_low\n",  " b = self._sig_high\n",  " self._amp = (b-a)*random() + a\n",  " self._fake = 0.2*self._amp\n",  " \n",  " def make_dataset(self,x,use_fake=False,with_outliers=False):\n",  " \"\"\"\n",  " Constructs a dataset from the given relation with errorbars drawn from \n",  " a normal distribution.\n",  " \n",  " Arguments\n",  " ---------\n",  " x := [array-like] the values at which the relation should be \n",  " evaluated\n",  " use_fake := if True, then reduce the standard deviation of the \n",  " fluctuations by a factor of 10. This dataset will \n",  " have an anomalously low chi^2.\n",  " with_outliers:= if True, then 20% of the points will have 10 sigma \n",  " fluctuations.\n",  " \n",  " Returns\n",  " -------\n",  " y := an ndarray of length(x.size) containing the dataset\n",  " \"\"\"\n",  " \n",  " m = self._slope\n",  " b = self._intercept\n",  " if use_fake:\n",  " sig = self._fake\n",  " else:\n",  " sig = self._amp\n",  " y = m*x + b + sig*standard_normal(len(x))\n",  " if with_outliers:\n",  " n = int(0.2*x.size)\n",  " sgn = zeros(n)\n",  " for i in range(n):\n",  " if random() < 0.5:\n",  " sgn[i] = -1.0\n",  " else:\n",  " sgn[i] = 1.0\n",  " indcs = random_integers(0,x.size-1,size=(2))\n",  " y[indcs] = m*x[indcs] + b + sgn*5.0*sig\n",  " return y\n",  " \n",  " def quoted_error(self):\n",  " \"\"\"\n",  " returns the quoted standard deviation\n",  " \"\"\"\n",  " return self._amp\n",  " \n",  " def unrealistic_dataset(self,x):\n",  " \"\"\"\n",  " Returns a dataset with actual uncertainties much less than the quoted \n",  " errorbars.\n",  " \n",  " Arguments\n",  " ---------\n",  " x := [array-like] the values at which the relation should be \n",  " evaluated\n",  " \n",  " Returns\n",  " -------\n",  " y := an ndarray of length(x.size) containing the dataset \n",  " \"\"\"\n",  " \n",  " return self.make_dataset(x,use_fake=True)\n",  "\n",  " def realistic_dataset(self,x):\n",  " \"\"\"\n",  " Returns a dataset with uncertainties that agree with the quoted \n",  " errorbars.\n",  " \n",  " Arguments\n",  " ---------\n",  " x := [array-like] the values at which the relation should be \n",  " evaluated\n",  " \n",  " Returns\n",  " -------\n",  " y := an ndarray of length(x.size) containing the dataset \n",  " \"\"\"\n",  "\n",  " return self.make_dataset(x,use_fake=False)\n",  "\n",  " def dataset_with_outliers(self,x):\n",  " \"\"\"\n",  " Returns a dataset with 80% of the points drawn from the normal \n",  " distribution, and 20% of the points having 10-sigma fluctuations.\n",  "\n",  " Arguments\n",  " ---------\n",  " x := [array-like] the values at which the relation should be \n",  " evaluated\n",  " \n",  " Returns\n",  " -------\n",  " y := an ndarray of length(x.size) containing the dataset \n",  " \"\"\"\n",  "\n",  " return self.make_dataset(x,use_fake=False,with_outliers=True)\n",  " \n",  " def fit(self,x):\n",  " \"\"\"\n",  " Returns the true relation, y = m*x + b\n",  "\n",  " Arguments\n",  " ---------\n",  " x := [array-like] the values at which the relation should be \n",  " evaluated\n",  " \n",  " Returns\n",  " -------\n",  " y := an ndarray of length(x.size) containing the underlying \n",  " relation.\n",  " \"\"\"\n",  " \n",  " m = self._slope\n",  " b = self._intercept\n",  " return m*x + b\n"  ],  "language": "python",  "metadata": {},  "outputs": []  },  {  "cell_type": "markdown",  "metadata": {},  "source": [  "##Some sample datasets\n",  "Now we are ready to make some trial datasets. Let's extract 10 points,\n",  "\n",  " Ndata = 10\n",  " \n",  "The line\n",  "\n",  " d = sampleDataSets()\n",  " \n",  "initializes our sample: it sets the slope, intercept, and standard deviation of our points. We then pick some $x$-values, calculate the true linear realation\n",  "\n",  " xfit = np.linspace(0.0,3.0,Ndata)\n",  " tfit = d.fit(xfit)\n",  "\n",  "and show the results."  ]  },  {  "cell_type": "code",  "collapsed": false,  "input": [  "Ndata = 10\n",  "d = sampleDataSets()\n",  "xfit = np.linspace(0.0,3.0,Ndata)\n",  "tfit = d.fit(xfit)\n",  "plt.plot(xfit,tfit)\n",  "plt.xlabel('x')\n",  "plt.ylabel('y')\n",  "plt.title('The actual relation')"  ],  "language": "python",  "metadata": {},  "outputs": []  },  {  "cell_type": "markdown",  "metadata": {},  "source": [  "Now let's see what a realistic dataset might look like. We'll pick some $x$-values in the interval $[0,3)$ at random,\n",  "\n",  " x = 3.0*random(Ndata)\n",  " \n",  "and generate our dataset. You can rerun this cell several times to get a different realization of the data."  ]  },  {  "cell_type": "code",  "collapsed": false,  "input": [  "x = 3.0*random(Ndata)\n",  "r = d.realistic_dataset(x)\n",  "f = d.unrealistic_dataset(x)\n",  "o = d.dataset_with_outliers(x)\n",  "\n",  "plt.figure(figsize=(10,3))\n",  "plt.subplot(1,3,1)\n",  "plt.errorbar(x,r,yerr=d.quoted_error(),fmt='r.')\n",  "plt.plot(xfit,tfit)\n",  "plt.xlabel('x')\n",  "plt.ylabel('y')\n",  "plt.title('A realistic dataset')\n",  "plt.subplot(1,3,2)\n",  "plt.errorbar(x,f,yerr=d.quoted_error(),fmt='r.')\n",  "plt.plot(xfit,tfit)\n",  "plt.title('An unrealistic dataset')\n",  "plt.xlabel('x')\n",  "plt.ylabel('y')\n",  "plt.subplot(1,3,3)\n",  "plt.errorbar(x,o,yerr=d.quoted_error(),fmt='r.')\n",  "plt.plot(xfit,tfit)\n",  "plt.xlabel('x')\n",  "plt.ylabel('y')\n",  "plt.title('A dataset with outliers')"  ],  "language": "python",  "metadata": {},  "outputs": []  },  {  "cell_type": "markdown",  "metadata": {},  "source": [  "**Exercise:** Explain why the middle dataset is unrealistic."  ]  },  {  "cell_type": "markdown",  "metadata": {},  "source": [  "**Double-click in this box and type your answer here.**"  ]  },  {  "cell_type": "markdown",  "metadata": {},  "source": [  "##Testing the data\n",  "Now we'll look at the $\\chi^2$ test for the data, where $\\chi^2$ is defined in the introduction, above. First, we'll define a function `chi2`:"  ]  },  {  "cell_type": "code",  "collapsed": false,  "input": [  "def chi2(y,d,s):\n",  " \"\"\"\n",  " Computes chi^2 for a set of fitted points and data.\n",  " \n",  " Arguments\n",  " ---------\n",  " y := [array] points y(x) from the fit\n",  " d := [array] data points d(x)\n",  " s := std.deviation\n",  " \n",  " Returns\n",  " -------\n",  " chi2\n",  " \"\"\"\n",  " \n",  " q2 = (y-d)**2 / s**2\n",  " return np.sum(q2)"  ],  "language": "python",  "metadata": {},  "outputs": []  },  {  "cell_type": "markdown",  "metadata": {},  "source": [  "Now let's put it to the test. We'll do `Ntrials = 1000` fits to our dataset. We'll compute $\\chi^2$ in two ways. The first, using our \"true\" values for $a$ and $b$; the second, using an values of $a$ and $b$ that are best fit from the data. \n",  "\n",  "**Stop:** Before proceeding, *predict* how the values of $\\chi^2$ computed with these two methods will differ.\n",  "\n",  "###The $\\chi^2$ distribution\n",  "First, we'll allocate two arrays, each of length `Ntrials`, to hold our results.\n",  "\n",  " chi2fit = np.zeros(Ntrials)\n",  " chi2best = np.zeros(Ntrials)\n",  "\n",  "Next, we'll make an array `t` of the \"true\" values of `y` for each `x`.\n",  "\n",  " t = d.fit(x)\n",  " \n",  "Now we will run our trials. For each trial, we'll make a realstic dataset, `s`, and then fit a line to that data and compute our estimated values of `y` for each `x`.\n",  "\n",  " p = np.polyfit(x,s,1)\n",  " y = x*p[0]+p[1]\n",  "\n",  "Finally, we'll compute the $\\chi^2$ for our \"true\" relation and for the fitted $a,b$.\n",  "\n",  " chi2fit[n] = chi2(t,s,d.quoted_error())\n",  " chi2best[n] = chi2(y,s,d.quoted_error())\n",  "\n",  "We'll then plot the histograms of the two different $\\chi^2$ distributions."  ]  },  {  "cell_type": "code",  "collapsed": false,  "input": [  "Ntrials = 1000\n",  "chi2fit = np.zeros(Ntrials)\n",  "chi2best = np.zeros(Ntrials)\n",  "t = d.fit(x)\n",  "for n in range(Ntrials):\n",  " s = d.realistic_dataset(x)\n",  " p = np.polyfit(x,s,1)\n",  " y = x*p[0]+p[1]\n",  " chi2fit[n] = chi2(t,s,d.quoted_error())\n",  " chi2best[n] = chi2(y,s,d.quoted_error())\n",  "alabel = '{0:5.2f}'.format(np.average(chi2fit))\n",  "flabel = '{0:5.2f}'.format(np.average(chi2best))\n",  "plt.xlabel(r'$\\chi^2$')\n",  "plt.ylabel(r'$N$')\n",  "plt.hist(chi2fit,bins=20,align='mid',histtype='step',label=r'actual: $\\chi^2 = '+alabel+r'$')\n",  "plt.hist(chi2best,bins=20,align='mid',histtype='step',label='best-fit: $\\chi^2 = '+flabel+r'$')\n",  "plt.legend(frameon=False)"  ],  "language": "python",  "metadata": {},  "outputs": []  },  {  "cell_type": "markdown",  "metadata": {},  "source": [  "**Exercise:** Explain the difference between these two distributions of $\\chi^2$. Are the averages what you expect?"  ]  },  {  "cell_type": "markdown",  "metadata": {},  "source": [  "**Double-click in this box and type your answer.**"  ]  },  {  "cell_type": "markdown",  "metadata": {},  "source": [  "###Testing our datasets\n",  "Now that we have seen the distribution of $\\chi^2$ for our \"realistic\" dataset, let's look at how we can use this test to assess whether our fit is plausible.\n",  "\n",  "Recall that we stored our datasets in variables `r` (realistic), `f` (fake), and `o` (with outliers). We'll now fit each of those in turn, and compute a $\\chi^2$ for each, which we'll store in the variables `chi2r`, `chi2f`, `chi2o`."  ]  },  {  "cell_type": "code",  "collapsed": false,  "input": [  "p = np.polyfit(x,r,1)\n",  "y = x*p[0]+p[1]\n",  "chi2r = chi2(y,r,d.quoted_error())\n",  "print 'chi-squared for realistic data = {0:5.2f}'.format(chi2r)\n",  "\n",  "p = np.polyfit(x,f,1)\n",  "y = x*p[0]+p[1]\n",  "chi2f = chi2(y,f,d.quoted_error())\n",  "print 'chi-squared for data with over-large error bars = {0:5.2f}'.format(chi2f)\n",  "\n",  "p = np.polyfit(x,o,1)\n",  "y = x*p[0]+p[1]\n",  "chi2o = chi2(y,o,d.quoted_error())\n",  "print 'chi-squared for data with outliers = {0:5.2f}'.format(chi2o)"  ],  "language": "python",  "metadata": {},  "outputs": []  },  {  "cell_type": "markdown",  "metadata": {},  "source": [  "Let's look at where these values of $\\chi^2$ lie on our distribution `chi2best`."  ]  },  {  "cell_type": "code",  "collapsed": false,  "input": [  "plt.title(r'$\\chi^2$ for a dataset that matches hypothesis')\n",  "plt.xlabel(r'$\\chi^2$')\n",  "plt.ylabel(r'$N$')\n",  "hst,bn,ptch = plt.hist(chi2best,bins=20,align='mid',histtype='step', label='dist. best-fit')\n",  "plt.vlines(chi2r, 0.0, max(hst), colors='k', linestyles='solid',label='matches hypothesis')\n",  "plt.legend()"  ],  "language": "python",  "metadata": {},  "outputs": []  },  {  "cell_type": "code",  "collapsed": false,  "input": [  "plt.title(r'$\\chi^2$ for a dataset with unrealistic errorbars')\n",  "plt.xlabel(r'$\\chi^2$')\n",  "plt.ylabel(r'$N$')\n",  "hst,bn,ptch = plt.hist(chi2best,bins=20,align='mid',histtype='step', label='best-fit dist.')\n",  "plt.vlines(chi2f,0.0,max(hst),colors = 'g', linestyles='dashed', label='too large errorbars')\n",  "plt.legend()"  ],  "language": "python",  "metadata": {},  "outputs": []  },  {  "cell_type": "code",  "collapsed": false,  "input": [  "plt.title(r'$\\chi^2$ for a dataset with outliers')\n",  "plt.xlabel(r'$\\chi^2$')\n",  "plt.ylabel(r'$N$')\n",  "hst,bn,ptch = plt.hist(chi2best,bins=20,align='mid',histtype='step', label='best-fit dist.')\n",  "plt.vlines(chi2o,0.0,max(hst),colors = 'r', linestyles='dotted', label='with outliers')\n",  "plt.legend()"  ],  "language": "python",  "metadata": {},  "outputs": []  },  {  "cell_type": "markdown",  "metadata": {},  "source": [  "##The $\\chi^2$ test\n",  "There is a theoretical distribution of $\\chi^2$ values. To see whether our fit is reasonable, we compute its value of $\\chi^2$ and compare that value against the distribution. Our question is, \"If the dataset is as we expect, what is the probability of getting a value of $\\chi^2$ larger than ours?\" If this is very unlikely, we conclude that our fit does not describe the data.\n",  "\n",  "Alternatively, we may get a probability that is very close to 1; in other words, almost *any* dataset would have a worse fit. This may suggest that the error bars are overestimated of that the data has been faked.\n",  "\n",  "The following block of code loads the `scipy.stats` module; it then defines a $\\chi^2$ distribution with 8 degrees of freedom (10 data points - 2 adjustable parameters), and calculates the cumulative probability of getting a value of $\\chi^2$ *larger* than `chi2r`, `chi2f`, and `chi2o`. Then to make things interesting, we scramble the order of our probabilities and print them.\n",  "\n",  "Your task: decide which probability matches the different datasets."  ]  },  {  "cell_type": "code",  "collapsed": false,  "input": [  "import scipy.stats as st\n",  "df = 8# there are 10 data points and 2 adjustable parameters, so we have 8 degrees of freedom.\n",  "c2 = st.chi2(df)\n",  "ps = (c2.sf(chi2r),c2.sf(chi2f),c2.sf(chi2o))\n",  "# scramble the probabilities\n",  "ps = np.random.permutation(ps)\n",  "for lab, p in zip('abc',ps):\n",  " print '{0}. {1:9.2e}'.format(lab,p)"  ],  "language": "python",  "metadata": {},  "outputs": []  },  {  "cell_type": "markdown",  "metadata": {},  "source": [  "**Exercise**: Edit this cell. Beside each letter write the value of $p$ and the dataset \u2014 realistic, overlarge errorbars, or outliers \u2014 to which it corresponds.\n",  "\n",  "a. \n",  "\n",  "b. \n",  "\n",  "c. "  ]  }  ],  "metadata": {}  }  ]  }