Daytime Calibration Data

The following data have generally been taken with the telescope parked in the SED Machine “stow position” (ADD COORDINATES HERE).

  1. Dome flat field lamp (featureless incandescent; 2 min warmup)

  2. Dome mercury arc lamp (2 min warmup)

  3. Dome cadmium arc lamp (10 min warmup)

  4. Dome xenon projector lamp (2 min warmup)

  5. 0-second bias exposure

  6. 120-s, 600-s Dark exposures

We need to experiment with the following data

  1. Flat field data at a variety of telescope positions (for pixel flats w/ flexure correction)

  2. More arc lamp data including: krypton, argon, neon, cadmium, and zinc

  3. Take high-resolution spectra of He+Neon lamp with (say DBSP) to measure line ratios

  4. Illuminate detector internal to instrument for pixel-level flat response.