Nick Konidaris renamed Extraction.tex to Cube.tex  about 9 years ago

Commit id: fbad0b2ef0b1c3e2702afefd44413f9c3dc246ef

deletions | additions      


\subsection{Cube Generation & Extraction}  Given a list of segments to extract, this step extracts multiple traces, interpolates them onto a common grid, and then stacks them. As for background subtraction, this step can also (optionally) be provided a list of background segments to subtract.   \subsubsection{Input}  \begin{itemize}  \item \verb|(x,y)| -- X and Y coordinate of the object in either pixel or arcsecond or  \item \verb|[objects]| -- a list of objects to stack.  \item \verb|sky annulus| -- Optional: the background annulus  \item \verb|[sky objects]| -- Optional: background objects  \end{itemize}  \subsubsection{Output}  Dictionary containing  \begin{itemize}  \item \verb|lam| -- The wavelength of each pixel of the subtraction in nm  \item \verb|rad| -- The (spectral) radiance of each pixel in count/10 min/nm  \item \verb|sigma| -- The one-sigma sum of shot noise + read noise per pixel in the spectrum  \item \verb|bgd_rad| -- The (spectral) radiance of background per pixel in count/10 min/nm  \item \verb|bgd_sigma| -- The one-sigma sum of shot noise and read noise per pixel in the background.  \end{itemize}