Nick Konidaris added wave.tex  about 9 years ago

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\subsection{Wavelength solution}  This step produces a set of coefficients for each trace. These coefficients return a wavelength solution as a function of pixel position along the trace.   \subsubsection{Input}  \begin{itemize}  \item \verb{\$arcname.fits} -- Arclamp image where a \$arcname is something like Hg, Cd, Zn, Xe, etc...  \item \verb{cat_Hg.fits.txt} -- Is the result of SexTractor on finding the locations of the Mercury lines.  \item \verb{dome.fits_segments.npy} -- Trace locations from trace finding module.  \end{itemize}  \subsubsection{Output}  dome.fits\_segments.npy contains a list (length the number of segments) of dictionaries. Each dictionary contains information about the location of each segment.  \begin{itemize}  \item ok (boolean) -- The segment has more than 50 illuminated pixels  \item mean\_ys ([float]) -- The mean Y location of each pixel in the trace. It's length is usually between 200 to 270 pixels long.  \item xs ([float]) -- The X location of each pixel. It's length is the same as means. The ridgeline of the trace is constructed from the points in (xs, means).  \item trace\_sigma (float) -- The 1 $\sigma$ width of the trace. An in focus image should have a FWHM of about 2.5 pixels and thus sigma should be about 1.06.  \item coeffs_y ([float]) -- A list of polynomial coefficients of order len(poly)-1 that is the best fit line to (xs, means). The bulk of this step's work is to derive poly.  \end{itemize}