\label{tab:ponds}Descriptions of the ponds used in the study. Maximum Z is the maximum depth ever recorded in the lake. Surface Area is calculated using the digitized outline of the lake in ARC–GIS. Secchi Z is a representative Secchi depth recorded during the growing season. Chl a is a representative chlorophyll a concentration measured from the surface water during the growing season. Days Litter Bags Incubated is a list of the days the litter bags were in the water before being retrieved for those ponds used in the litter decomposition experiment. Chlorophyll a was not measured in Woodland Court Pond or Wilkes Lake.
Pond Maximum Z (m) Surface Area (ha) Secchi Z (m) Chl a (\(\mu\)g L\(^{-1}\)) Days Litter Bags Incubated
Campus Pond 0.5 HA 0.2 40.74 0, 3, 7, 15, 21, 28, 42, 57, 82, 105, 127, 209
Daulton Pond 3.4 HA 1.75 6.62 0, 3, 10, 15, 22, 30, 43, 60, 106, 128, 211
Lancer Park Pond 1.5 HA 0.5 12.00 0, 2, 10, 18, 23, 37, 53, 100, 116, 204
Woodland Court Pond 2.0 HA 0.8
Wilkes Lake 2.0 HA 0.6