
墓碑橫額上刻有「皇明」是一個對於政權忠誠度的表現,使用「皇明」之後接著是清朝所使用的「皇清」;皇日,皇恩,皇民 則用於日治時代;民國之後墓碑上的橫額就幾乎刻製民國。即便橫額上所刻的字能完整的表達自己對於國家的政治忠誠度,但是有時歷史已經改朝換代了居民卻仍刻製舊的年號。因此便有了一個新的疑問,刻有「皇明」是否就是代表著此碑為明代之墓呢? 「皇明」 is an expression of loyalty serving as focus of the tombstone, it is followed by 皇清 in the Qing period, 皇日,皇恩,皇民 in the Japanese period and, less often, 民國 in the Republican period. Despite their clear semantics, loyalty expressions are sometimes use as focus even after the period has expired. This raises the question whether this 「皇明」is a reliable indicator of a Ming tombstone.
