Location and Orientation 墓碑的定向及方位


NEW:Tomb direction is 211, so roughly 南西.

The tomb is located in the low and flat part of the Zhuwan graveyard, a fact that is shared with other old tombstones in that graveyard, while newer tombstones are located higher up the hill. What is particular about the orientation of the tomb is not its direction, but the fact that the tombstones, contrary to commonly shared assumptions about fengshui face the mountain and have the see in their back. This orientation on the one hand raises the question concerning the reason for this choice, on the other it might serve as an explanation why this tombstone has been preserved so well. 面南向崖,座標為(E119.517381, N23.625395)。

此墓碑坐落於竹灣一個地勢低平的墓地,由於較新的墓皆設立於較高處,由此可知同為低處的墓即為同時設立的。讓此墓特別講究於方位而不是方向,且相反於一般風水所推崇的面山背海。這個方位的選擇讓人有了新的問題:究竟違背於習俗方位的不同是否有何考量?但另一方面而言,也因為是方位選擇的不同才使此墓免於嚴重風化,得以受到良好保存。 此墓面南向崖,座標為(E119.517381, N23.625395)。