Oliver Streiter edited 1_this_part_is_too__.tex  about 8 years ago

Commit id: a0cbcec8d222ff18ca4323d3ba68a364102d9fbd

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墓園及各式墓碑型式可為台灣多元文化的見證:這邊的墓葬著一個外省老兵, 在戰亂中流離失所最後長眠於台灣;那邊的墓是個台灣河洛人,曾經以日本人的身份過了一生;更遠處的山丘上,一個自清朝時即存在的古墓靜靜地躺著。墳墓,是收納台灣記憶的場所。如今卻遭受無情的怪手及推土機大肆破壞,一個又一個的坑洞, 把不同族群不同家庭的記憶都鏟平後再雜亂地堆疊在一起。就這樣,台灣 的墳墓以及其所涵蓋的歷史和記憶正以極快的速度在消失當中。(1) this part is too journalistic, should be a little more scientific. Something like in our study we equally focus on ... to capture the variation in time and space of practices, their origins, transformations and their interpretations by local people...) (2) This paragraph needs a transition, so that we can start to talk about Penghu