Oliver Streiter added subsection_9_10_This_material__.tex  about 8 years ago

Commit id: 4315ed0e139de0e9bf041608141c22038aea6fe7

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\subsection{墓碑材料}  「洪門楊氏墓」碑為珊瑚礁石刻製而成。珊瑚礁石為石灰岩一種,日日在海風洗禮之下表面痕跡易被侵蝕導致模糊無法辨識,由圖9、圖10也可以得知海風侵蝕的強度。然而相較於左右側連墓之同石材的墓碑可以發現「洪門楊氏墓」碑上的文字清晰可見,而左右兩者則以無法辨讀,其此墓上的文字如此清晰的原因則有待考查。This material is quite particular and incomparable. Outside Penghu we don't have Coral tombstones at all. A comparison of the material to tombstones outside Penghu is thus not possible. However, as outside Penghu all Ming tombstones we know of are made of granite, this shows that a hard stone is required to have a readable tombstone after 300 years.