Oliver Streiter edited subsubsection_is_an_expression_of__.tex  about 8 years ago

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\subsubsection{「皇明」}  「皇明」 is an expression of loyalty serving as focus of the tombstone, it is followed by 皇清 in the Qing period, 皇日,皇恩,皇民 in the Japanese period and, less often, 民國 in the Republican period. Despite their clear semantics, loyalty expressions are sometimes use as focus even after the period has expired. This raises the question whether this 「皇明」is a reliable indicator of a Ming tombstone. 由「洪門楊氏墓」橫額刻「皇明」,年代落款刻「己酉年」而未刻年號可見,該墓符合鄭氏時期明墓慣式 (石萬壽, 1975)1。推斷其於明永曆二十三年(清康熙八年),即西元1669年修建。此墓可讀性甚高,且為連墓中碑文最完整者(左右碑石皆傾頹或不可辨),不排除為後朝重修之可能,但碑石頂端風化程度與同墓園的清墓相較下較為嚴重,亦可做為其年代久遠的依據之一(圖 9、圖 10)。