Oliver Streiter edited bibliography/biblio.bib  about 8 years ago

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year=2013}  @Book{wangdayuan1339,  title="島夷誌略校釋", author={汪大淵}, pages="434", year="1339/1981", publisher="Zhonghua", address="Beijing",  } address="Beijing"}  @Book{wanganhuazhaimagongcom,  title="古蹟名稱:望安花宅 ",  author={澎湖旅遊達人聯合服務中心},  url={http://www.magong.com.tw},  note={last modified 2007, accessed November 11, 2015},  year=2007}  @InProceedings{streiter2010thakbong,  title="{ThakBong, Digitizing Taiwan's Tombstones for Teaching, Research and Documentation}", 

isbn={978-986-02-7734-0},  year=2011}  @incollection{ChenZhengxiang1995penghu,  address = {Taipei, Taiwan},  author = {Chen, Cheng-siang},  booktitle = {Geo-Essays on Taiwan},  edition = {reprint of},  keywords = {penghu population monsoon},  mendeley-tags = {penghu population monsoon},  pages = {450--466},  publisher = {SMC Publishing Inc.},  title = {{The Pescadores}},  year = {1995}}  @article{ChenZhengxiang1953pescadores,  author={Chen, Cheng-siang},  journal={{Geographical Review of Japan}},  number={1},  pages={77--88},  title={{The Pescadores}},  volume={26},  year= {1953}}  @book{Wangjinyan1998,  author={楊金燕},  file={:home/oliver/mybooks/book3.pdf:pdf},  isbn={030799870579},  publisher_ch={澎湖縣府},  publisher={Government of Penghu County},  address={Magong, Taiwan},  title={澎南區文化資源集錦},  year = {1998}}  @book{penghufu2005V13,  author={澎湖縣政府民政局},  file={:home/oliver/mybooks/book1.pdf:pdf},  isbn={9860015201},  publisher_ch={澎湖縣府},  publisher={Government of Penghu County},  address={Magong, Taiwan},  title={續修澎湖縣志.卷十三.文化志},  year = {2005}}  @book{penghufu2005V2,  author={澎湖縣政府民政局},  file={:home/oliver/mybooks/book2.pdf:pdf},  isbn={9860015198},  publisher_ch={澎湖縣府},  publisher={Government of Penghu County},  address={Magong, Taiwan},  title={續修澎湖縣志.卷二.地理志},  year = {2005}}  @book{penghufu2005V3,  author={澎湖縣政府民政局},  file={:home/oliver/mybooks/book3.pdf:pdf},  isbn={9860015119},  publisher_ch={澎湖縣府},  publisher={Government of Penghu County},  address={Magong, Taiwan},  title={續修澎湖縣志.卷三.人民志.政事志},  year = {2005}}  @InProceedings{streitermorris2015,  title="{Researching Taiwan's Gravesites with ThakBong and R}",  author="Oliver Streiter and James X. Morris",  booktitle="{Paper presented at the ECAI 2015 workshop in conjunction with the Pacific Neighborhood Consortium (PNC) 20155}",  month="September 27-30",  address={Macau, China},  year=2015}  @InProceedings{streiter2011gis,  title={The Space of Gravesites: Tackling Culture with Simple GIS Tools},  author={Oliver Streiter and {Chun (Jimmy)} Huang and Yoann Goudin},  booktitle={3rd International Conference of Digital Archives and Digital Humanities},  month={December 1-2},  address={Taipei, Taiwan},  publisher={National Taiwan University},  pages={27--46},  year=2011}   @InProceedings{streiter2014removing,  title="{Removing the Dust for a Proper Reading: Constatives and Performatives in Tombstone Inscriptions}",  author="Oliver Streiter and Yoann Goudin and Linda Gail Arrigo",  booktitle="{5th International Conference of Digital Archives and Digital Humanities}",  month={December 1-2},  address={Taipei, Taiwan},  publisher={National Taiwan University},  pages={577--588},  year=2014}  @InProceedings{streiter2013column,  title="{The Column as Tombstone Form in Taiwan and Penghu: Japan, ROC and the Taiwanese}",  author="Oliver Streiter and Yoann Goudin and {Yen-ching} Lu",  booktitle="{2013 International Conference on Vietnamese – Taiwanese Studies}",  month={May 18-20},  address={Tainan, Taiwan},  publisher={National Cheng-kung University },  year=2013}  @InCollection{streiter2011shumu,  author={Oliver Streiter and {Chun (Jimmy)} Huang},  publisher={數位典藏與數位學習國家型科技計畫 拓展台灣數位典藏計畫},  booktitle={數位鬥陣」-99年度數位內容公開徵選計畫成果展},  title={數墓:台灣墓碑數位為典藏、教學、及研究},  editor={林富士},  pages={54--56},  isbn={978-986-02-8804-9},  year=2011}  @InProceedings{streiter2011close,  title="{Close to Heart, Close to Home: Gravesites in Taiwan}",  author={Oliver Streiter and {Ann Mei-fang} Lin and Yoann Goudin},  booktitle={The 7th International Conference of Taiwan Culture},  month={September 7},  address={Tainan, Taiwan},  pages={86--101},  publisher={Chang Jung Christian University},  year=2011}  @InProceedings{streiter2011bury,  title={Bury your Past, Shovel it under: Histories and Caterpillars on Taiwan's Graveyards},  author="Oliver Streiter and Yoann Goudin",  booktitle="{First Workshop on Documenting and Researching Gravesites in Taiwan}",  month="May 25",  pages={27--48},  address={Taipei, Taiwan},  publisher={National University of Kaohsiung},  year=2011}  @article{goudin2011digital,  title="{Digital Anthropology and the Renewal of Waishengren Studies: From Digitized Tombs to Identity Claims}",  author="Yoann Goudin and Oliver Streiter and {Chun (Jimmy)} Huang and {Ann Mei-fang} Lin",  journal={{African and Asian Studies}},  publisher={University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts},  address={Ljubljana, Slovenia},  pages={21--45},  volume=15,  number=2,  date={October},  year=2011}  Article{streiter2011lastname,  title="{Matching Digital Tombstone Documentation to Unearthed Census Data: Surveying Taiwan's Family Names, Ethnicities and Homelands}",  author="Oliver Streiter and Yoann Goudin and {Chun (Jimmy)} Huang and {Ann Mei-fang} Lin",  journal={{International Journal of Humanities and Arts Computing}},  publisher={Edinburgh University Press},  volume=6,  number={1--2},  pages={57--70},  year=2011}  @Article{streiter2013extracting,  title="{Extracting Family Genealogis from Taiwan's Tombstones for a Study of Historical Changs in Tombstone Inscriptions}",  author="Oliver Streiter and Yoann Goudin",  journal={{International Journal of Humanities and Arts Computing}},  publisher={Edinburgh University Press},  volume=8,  number={1},  pages={49-83},  year=2011}  @InProceedings{streiter2010places,  title="{Places of Shared Histories: Spatial Patterns of Placename Types on Taiwan's Tombstones}",  author="Oliver Streiter and Yoann Goudin and {Chun (Jimmy)} Huang and {Ann Mei-fang} Lin and {Sandy Ko-jui} YEN",  booktitle="{GeoInformatics for Spatial-Infrastructure Development in Earth and Allied Sciences (GIS-IDEAS) }",  month="Dec 9-11",  publisher={Japan-Vietnam Geoinformatics Consortium (JVGC)},  pages={29-34},  year=2010,  isbn={978-4-901668-76-7},  address={Hanoi, Vietnam}  }  @InProceedings{streiter2013acculturation,  title="{Family Names as Traces of the Past: Exploring the Potentials of the Census of 1956 for the Study of Acculturation in Taiwan}",  author="Oliver Streiter and Yoann Goudin",  booktitle_ch={語言與地理歷史跨領域研究工作坊(2013中教大場)},  booktitle_en={10th Workshop of Interdiciplinary Research of Geolinguistics, Geography and History},  booktitle_py={Yu3yan2 yu2 di4li3 li4shi3 kua4ling3yu4 yan2jiu1 gong1zuo4fang2 (2013 zhong1jiaoi4da4chang2)},  month={December 1-2},  address={Taizhong, Taiwan},  publisher={National Taichung University of Education},  pages={3.1--3.22},  year=2013}  @InProceedings{streiter2010thetombs,  title={The Tombs of Taiwan's Mainlanders: Features of Memories, Power and Assimilation},  author={Oliver Streiter and {Ann Mei-fang} Lin and Yoann Goudin and {Chun (Jimmy)} Huang},  booktitle={2010 International Conference on Vietnamese and Taiwanese Studies},  month={November 16-17},  pages={28.1--28.12},  publisher={National Cheng Kung University},  address={Tainan, Taiwan},  year=2010}  @InProceedings{streiter2010anarcheological,  title={An Archeological View on Bentuhua: Taiwan's Tombstones in a Historical Perspective},  author={Oliver Streiter and Yoann Goudin and {Ann Mei-fang} Lin},  booktitle={Seventh Annual Conference of the European Association of Taiwan Studies (EATS)},  month={April 8-10},  address={T\"{u}bingen, Germany},  publisher={EATS},  year=2010}  @InProceedings{streiter2008building,  title={Building a Corpus in Linguistic Anthropology: The Example of Thakbong},  author={Oliver Streiter and Yoann Goudin and {Ann Mei-fang} Lin},  booktitle={Workshop on the relationship between the Distribution of Languages or Dialects in Taiwan and Racial Migration},  month={December 27},  address={Taipei, Taiwan},  publisher={National Taichung University of Education},  year=2008}  @Article{streiter2007thakbong,  author={Oliver Streiter and Yoann Goudin},  title={ThakBong, un corpus per le ricerche interdisciplinari (ThakBong, a corpus for interdisciplinary research)},  journal={{FOCUS}},  url={http://www.eurac.edu/Focus/linguisticcorpora/Korpora_Oliver_Streiter.htm},  year=2007}  @InProceedings{streiter2007fromtombstones,  title={From Tombstones to Corpora: TSML for Research on Language, Culture, Identity and Gender Differences},  author={Oliver Streiter and Leonhard Voltmer and Yoann Goudin},  booktitle={PACLIC21, 21st Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation},  month={November 1-3},  address={Seoul, Korea},  publisher={Korean Society for Language and Information},  year=2007}