Rodolpho edited bibliography/biblio.bib  over 8 years ago

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journal = {Biology Letters},  }  @book{Bibby1992,  address = {London},  author = {Bibby, Colin J. and Burgess, Neil D. and Hill, David A.},  pages = {257},  publisher = {Academic Press},  title = {{Bird Census Techniques}},  year = {1992}  }  @article{Hurlbert2004,  author = {Hurlbert, Allen H.},  doi = {10.1111/j.1461-0248.2004.00630.x},  file = {:C$\backslash$:/Users/Rodolpho Rodrigues/AppData/Local/Mendeley Ltd./Mendeley Desktop/Downloaded/Hurlbert - 2004 - Species-energy relationships and habitat complexity in bird communities.pdf:pdf},  issn = {1461-023X},  journal = {Ecology Letters},  keywords = {2004,7,714,720,abundance,birds,community structure,ecology letters,energy theory,evenness,habitat heterogeneity,productivity,rarefaction,species,species richness},  month = aug,  number = {8},  pages = {714--720},  title = {{Species-energy relationships and habitat complexity in bird communities}},  url = {},  volume = {7},  year = {2004}  }  @article{Mackenzie2003,  author = {Mackenzie, Darryl I. and Nichols, James D. and Hines, James E. and Knutson, Melinda G. and Franklin, Alan B.},  file = {:C$\backslash$:/Users/Rodolpho Rodrigues/Desktop/doutorado/modelos\_ecopop/mackenzie\_etal\_2003.pdf:pdf},  journal = {Ecology},  keywords = {colonization,detection probability,local extinction,metapopulation,monitoring,open population,patch occupancy,robust design,site occupancy},  number = {8},  pages = {2200--2207},  title = {{ESTIMATING SITE OCCUPANCY , COLONIZATION , AND LOCAL EXTINCTION WHEN A SPECIES IS DETECTED IMPERFECTLY}},  volume = {84},  year = {2003}  }  @article{Wiens1981,  author = {Wiens, John A. and Rotenberry, John T.},  file = {:C$\backslash$:/Users/Rodolpho Rodrigues/AppData/Local/Mendeley Ltd./Mendeley Desktop/Downloaded/Wiens, Rotenberry - 1981 - Habitat Associations and Community Structure of Birds in Shrubsteppe Environments.pdf:pdf},  journal = {Ecological Monographs},  number = {1},  pages = {21--42},  title = {{Habitat Associations and Community Structure of Birds in Shrubsteppe Environments}},  volume = {51},  year = {1981}  }  @article{Bailey2009,  author = {Bailey, Larissa L. and Reid, Janice a. and Forsman, Eric D. and Nichols, James D.},  doi = {10.1016/j.biocon.2009.07.028}, 

volume = {142},  year = {2009}  }  @book{Bibby1992,  address = {London},  author = {Bibby, Colin J. and Burgess, Neil D. and Hill, David A.},  pages = {257},  publisher = {Academic Press},  title = {{Bird Census Techniques}},  year = {1992}  }  @article{dorazio2005estimating,  author = {Dorazio, Robert M and Royle, J Andrew},  journal = {Journal of the American Statistical Association}, 

volume = {100},  year = {2005}  }  @article{Hurlbert2004,  author = {Hurlbert, Allen H.},  doi = {10.1111/j.1461-0248.2004.00630.x},  file = {:C$\backslash$:/Users/Rodolpho Rodrigues/AppData/Local/Mendeley Ltd./Mendeley Desktop/Downloaded/Hurlbert - 2004 - Species-energy relationships and habitat complexity in bird communities.pdf:pdf},  issn = {1461-023X},  journal = {Ecology Letters},  keywords = {2004,7,714,720,abundance,birds,community structure,ecology letters,energy theory,evenness,habitat heterogeneity,productivity,rarefaction,species,species richness},  month = aug,  number = {8},  pages = {714--720},  title = {{Species-energy relationships and habitat complexity in bird communities}},  url = {},  volume = {7},  year = {2004}  }  @article{MacKenzieDarrylI.NicholsJ.D.LachmanG.B.DroedgeS.RoyleJ.A.Langtimm2002,  author = {{MacKenzie, Darryl I., Nichols, J.D., Lachman, G.B., Droedge, S., Royle, J.A., Langtimm}, C.A.},  file = {:C$\backslash$:/Users/Rodolpho Rodrigues/Desktop/doutorado/curso occupancy UFMG/MacKenzie et al (2002).pdf:pdf}, 

title = {{Occupancy estimation and modeling: inferring patterns and dynamics of species occurrence}},  year = {2006}  }  @article{Mackenzie2003,  author = {Mackenzie, Darryl I. and Nichols, James D. and Hines, James E. and Knutson, Melinda G. and Franklin, Alan B.},  file = {:C$\backslash$:/Users/Rodolpho Rodrigues/Desktop/doutorado/modelos\_ecopop/mackenzie\_etal\_2003.pdf:pdf},  journal = {Ecology},  keywords = {colonization,detection probability,local extinction,metapopulation,monitoring,open population,patch occupancy,robust design,site occupancy},  number = {8},  pages = {2200--2207},  title = {{ESTIMATING SITE OCCUPANCY , COLONIZATION , AND LOCAL EXTINCTION WHEN A SPECIES IS DETECTED IMPERFECTLY}},  volume = {84},  year = {2003}  }  @book{manly2004multivariate,  author = {Manly, B F J},  isbn = {9781584884149}, 

url = {},  year = {2004}  }  @incollection{RibeiroJ.F.&Walter1998,  address = {Planaltina, DF},  author = {{Ribeiro, J.F. \& Walter}, B. M. T.}, 

title = {{Fitofisionomias do bioma Cerrado}},  year = {1998}  }  @article{Royle2006, @article{Ruiz-Gutierrez2010,  author = {Royle, J. Andrew {Ruiz-Guti\'{e}rrez, Viviana  and Dorazio, Robert M.}, Zipkin, Elise F. and Dhondt, Andr\'{e} a.},  doi = {10.1198/108571106X129153}, {10.1111/j.1365-2664.2010.01811.x},  file = {:C$\backslash$:/Users/Rodolpho Rodrigues/Desktop/doutorado/cap2 tese/Royle \& Dorazio 2006. Hierarchical models of animal abundance.pdf:pdf}, tese/Ruiz-Gutierrez et al., 2010.pdf:pdf},  issn = {1085-7117}, {00218901},  journal = {Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics},  keywords = {bayesian analysis,capture-recapture,empirical bayes,multiple observer,occurrence,point-count sampling,removal sampling,sampling,site occupancy}, Applied Ecology},  month = sep, apr,  number = {3},  pages = {249--263}, {621--630},  title = {{Hierarchical models of animal abundance and occurrence}}, {{Occupancy dynamics in a tropical bird community: unexpectedly high forest use by birds classified as non-forest species}},  url = {}, {},  volume = {47},  year = {2010}  }  @article{Wiens1981,  author = {Wiens, John A. and Rotenberry, John T.},  file = {:C$\backslash$:/Users/Rodolpho Rodrigues/AppData/Local/Mendeley Ltd./Mendeley Desktop/Downloaded/Wiens, Rotenberry - 1981 - Habitat Associations and Community Structure of Birds in Shrubsteppe Environments.pdf:pdf},  journal = {Ecological Monographs},  number = {1},  pages = {21--42},  title = {{Habitat Associations and Community Structure of Birds in Shrubsteppe Environments}},  volume = {11}, {51},  year = {2006} {1981}  }  @article{Zipkin2010,  author = {Zipkin, Elise F. and {Andrew Royle}, J. and Dawson, Deanna K. and Bates, Scott}, 

volume = {143},  year = {2010}  }  @article{Ruiz-Gutierrez2010, @article{Zipkin2009,  author = {Ruiz-Guti\'{e}rrez, Viviana and Zipkin, {Zipkin,  Elise F. and Dhondt, Andr\'{e} a.}, DeWan, Amielle and {Andrew Royle}, J.},  doi = {10.1111/j.1365-2664.2010.01811.x}, {10.1111/j.1365-2664.2009.01664.x},  file = {:C$\backslash$:/Users/Rodolpho Rodrigues/Desktop/doutorado/cap2 tese/Ruiz-Gutierrez et al., 2010.pdf:pdf}, tese/Zipkin\_et\_al-2009-Journal\_of\_Applied\_Ecology.pdf:pdf},  issn = {00218901},  journal = {Journal of Applied Ecology},  month = apr, aug,  number = {3}, {4},  pages = {621--630}, {815--822},  title = {{Occupancy dynamics in a tropical bird community: unexpectedly high {{Impacts of  forest use by birds classified as non-forest species}}, fragmentation on species richness: a hierarchical approach to community modelling}},  url = {}, {},  volume = {47},  year = {2010}  }  @manual{RCoreTeam2014,  address = {Vienna, Austria},  author = {{R Core Team}},  organization = {R Foundation for Statistical Computing},  title = {{R: A Language and Environment for Statistical Computing}},  url = {}, {46},  year = {2014} {2009}  }  @article{DorazioRobertM.RoyleJ.A.SodestromB.Glimskar2006,  author = {{Dorazio, Robert M., Royle, J.A., S\"{o}destr\"{o}m, B., Glimsk\"{a}r}, A.},  file = {:C$\backslash$:/Users/Rodolpho Rodrigues/Desktop/doutorado/cap2 tese/Dorazioetal2006.pdf:pdf},  journal = {Ecology},  keywords = {biodiversity,conservation,detection heterogeneity,occurrence heterogeneity,site-},  number = {4},  pages = {842--854},  title = {{ESTIMATING SPECIES RICHNESS AND ACCUMULATION BY MODELING SPECIES OCCURRENCE AND DETECTABILITY}},  volume = {87},  year = {2006}  }