

NuSTAR observations for all sources will be downloaded from HEASARC1. We will use the software package NuSTARDAS provided in HEASOFT2 to perform the data reduction for all observations and produce light curves as well as spectra for each source. Significant analysis will need to be done to determine the optimum time binning for the light curves. Since Poisson noise is proportional to the number of counts, the smallest time bin for a source will be dependent on its brightness.


The Swift/BAT team has produced light curves for every source in the 70 month catalog \citep{Baumgartner_2013} and published them online.3 We have downloaded the raw snapshot light curves for all of the AGN in the 70 month catalog. Each time bin in the light curves represents each image taken by Swift/BAT that contains the source. Based on our analysis in \citet{Shimizu_2013}, we will re-bin the raw light curves into 5 day time bins to reduce noise.