Andrew Wetzel edited summary_discussion.tex  about 9 years ago

Commit id: cc82f0ee33e84db3581bf3300786ec359d47a759

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At the high-mass end, the same stellar feedback that sets the lowering $\mstar/\mvir$ relation with increasing mass also sets the lowering gas fraction with mass that causes more massive satellites to quench more rapidly.  At the low-mass end, probably the same shallower potential wells that make internal feedback more effective and causes lower $\mstar/\mvir$ that also allows external stripping to occur more easily, possibly with a boost from the feedback-driven outflows.  This analysis represents an overall statistical approach, but in future work we will combine the measured SFHs with the orbtal phase-space coordinates of each satellites to pursue a similar but more rigorous analysis on a satellite-by-satellite basis. While preparing this letter, we became aware of Fillingham et al. (submitted), who also used ELVIS to constrain the environmental quenching timescales of satellites of the MW/M31.