Andrew Wetzel edited observations.tex  about 9 years ago

Commit id: 348b74fb0a5b09c22b3cf598fdca46f7d8b41236

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(While Sculptor has $\mgas / \mstar \approx 0.096$, we consider it quiescent based on its morphology and lack of recent star formation \citep{Weisz2014a}).  (Dan or Erik - can you say something about comparing these cuts with either SFR metrics or SFHs? Specifically, I am glossing over any ambiguous systems?)  In examining measuring  the fraction of satellites that are quiescent, we group them into 1-dex bins of $\mstar$. We do not attempt any correction for observational completeness as a function of $\mstar$, because we measure the \emph{relative fraction} that are quiescent in each $\mstar$ bin, which should be unbiased, absent significant differential completeness as a function of recent star formation.  We consider the latter unlikely because star-forming galaxies are generally brighter,  but the quiescent fraction is near unity across our range in $\mstar$.  However,  we do take into account the maximum observed distance of satellites  at each $\mstar$ bin  when we measuring compute the  virial-infall times using the simulations (see below).