Andrew Wetzel edited quenching_time.tex  about 9 years ago

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Similarly, measurements of the 3-D orbital velocity and star-formation history for Leo I ($\mstar=5.5\times10^6\msun$) indicate that it fell into the MW halo $\approx2.3\gyr$ ago and quenched $\approx1\gyr$ ago (near its $\approx90\kpc$ pericentric passage), implying a quenching timescale of $\approx1.3\gyr$ \citep[][gray pentagon]{Sohn2013}, again consistent with our results.  The mass trend in Figure~\ref{fig:quench_times} is broadly consistent the star-formation-history-based results of \citet{Weisz2015} that more massive dwarf galaxies in the LG quenched more recently.  Also, the overall timescale is broadly consistent with the related analysis of \citet{SlaterBell2014}, who deduced inferred  a typical  quenching time since first \emph{pericenter} of $1-2\gyr$, which implies a quenching time since infall \emph{infall}  of $\sim3Gyr$, though they did not examine mass dependence in detail. dependence.  We also compare these timescales with previous studies of more massive satellites of other hosts.  The red squares in Figure~\ref{fig:quench_times} show the timescales from \citet{Wheeler2014}, who used nearly identical methodology, combining the the galaxy catalog from \citet{Geha2012} with satellite infall times (including group preprocessing) from the Millennium II simulation \citep{BoylanKolchin2009}.