Andrew Wetzel edited quenching_time.tex  about 9 years ago

Commit id: 03c93c45b621a8e352c4b744c3639486fe3ffc06

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Figure~\ref{fig:quench_times} shows the inferred environmental quenching timescales, that is, the time duration from first infall to being fully quenched/gas-poor, as a function of $\mstar$.  Blue circles show the satellite galaxies in the MW and M31, and we shade the lowest $\mstar$ bin lighter to highlight caution in interpretation because of reionization, as explained above.  We derived derive  error bars from the 68\% uncertainty in the observed quiescent fractions in Figure~\ref{fig:quiescent_fraction}; these uncertainties are typically larger than the host-to-host scatter in satellites' infall times in ELVIS. As explored in \citet{Wetzel2015}, many satellites first fell into a another host halo (group), typically of $\mvir=10^{10-12}\msun$, before falling into the MW/M31 halo.  Because the importance this environmental preprocessing in lower-mass groups remains unclear, we present quenching timescales both including and neglecting such group preprocessing.