\label{fig:spectra} Spectra of the dwarf galaxies. The upper panels show the GALFA-HI spectra for the clouds near Pisces A (upper-left) and Pisces B (upper-right). The lower panels show the sky-subtracted longslit optical spectra near H\(\alpha\) for Pisces A (lower-left) and Pisces B (lower-right). In all panels, the dashed black vertical lines are the emission features redshfited to \(236\) and \(615 \; {\rm km \; s^{-1}}\) for Pisces A and Pisces B, respectively. Both optical spectra show H\(\alpha\) emission at velocities consistent with the peak, confirming that the optical galaxies correspond to the clouds. The negative flux spikes at \(6530\) and \(6610 {\rm \AA}\) in the Pisces A optical spectrum are caused by difficult-to-subtract OH sky lines.