overview of a selected and incomplete set of precision measurements at TLEP. Statistical errors have been calculated using the following assumptions:
1 year scan of the Z line shape with 50% data at the peak, using resonant depolarization of single for energy calibration at O(20min) intervals leading to \(710^{11}\) Z decays (\(M_{Z},\Gamma_{Z},R_{\ell},N_{\nu}\) from peak cross-section, \(R_{b}\)).
1 year data taking with longitudinal polarized beams at 40% beam polarization and luminosity reduced to 20% of nominal (requires spin rotators).
1 Year data taking around 161 GeV (WW threshold scan) with resonant depolarization for energy calibration at O(20min) intervals (\(M_{W},N_{\nu}\) from ratio of \(Z\gamma\) events with invisible Z vs leptonic Z decays).
5 years of data taking at 350 GeV (top threshold scan). Systematic errors are only a “first look” estimate and will be revisited in the course of the design study.