\label{fig:FitResults}Relative statistical uncertainty on the Higgs boson couplings from a truly model-independent fit, as expected from two five-year-long running periods at \(\sqrt{s}=\) 240-250 and 350 GeV for TLEP and ILC. The red and blue bars correspond to the combination of the data at 240-250 GeV and 350 GeV, while the green bars hold for the sole period of TLEP at 240 GeV. The dashed lines show the \(\pm 1\%\) band, relevant for sensitivity to multi-TeV new physics. Also indicated are the expected uncertainties on the total decay width and on the invisible decay width. The H\(\mu\mu\) and H\(\gamma\gamma\) coupling uncertainties, which do not fit in the \(\pm 6\%\) scale of the figure for ILC, can be read off TableĀ \ref{tab:FitResults}.