Cato edited Gibbs.tex  over 10 years ago

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\subsection{Some relevant papers}  \begin{itemize}  \item {\bf Maxwell's Demon}   \item \citet{10.1103/PhysRevB.84.245448}   \item \citet{10.1103/PhysRevLett.110.040601}   \item \citet{}   \item \citet{10.1103/PhysRevE.84.061117} MD and data compression  \item \citet{Schaller_Brandes_Esposito_2013} model the connection between Maxwell's Demon to the system it interferes with. Interesting for section~\ref{sec:t2}, but also may hold clues to how to quantify information accuracy etc.  \item {\bf Gibbs' Paradox}  \item \citet{2013arXiv1306.5737I} 

\item \citet{Maslov_2011}  \item \citet{Peters_2010}  \item \citet{Maslov_2010}  \item \citet{10.1038/nature10872} Landauer experiment  \item {\bf Entropy estimation}  \item \citet{Kontoyiannis_Bienenstock_2008}  \item Schmitt and Herzel 1997 -- DNA