Antonio Bibiano added missing citations to bibliography  almost 9 years ago

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@article{Grande_2011,  doi = {10.1088/1475-7516/2011/08/007},  url = {},  year = {2011},  month = {aug},  publisher = {{IOP} Publishing},  volume = {2011},  number = {08},  pages = {007--007},  author = {Javier Grande and Joan Sol{\`{a}} and Spyros Basilakos and Manolis Plionis},  title = {{Hubble expansion and structure formation in the {\textasciigrave}{\textasciigrave}running {FLRW} model{\textquotesingle}{\textquotesingle} of the cosmic evolution}},  journal = {Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics},  }