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At the north highland lake (NH), light variables increase their ranking to very high emergence category, in consequence its complexity was reduced to low and very low categories. The ligh variation for all zones was between 12.31 $\pm$ 9.31. Meantime BCd (598.2 $\pm$ 95.91 µS) and Zm (62.05 $\pm$ 19.36) variables increase its complexity to high category.  At the north lowland lake (NL), temperature variables increases its level of change to very high. The variation for all zones was between 11,3 $\pm$ 6,5. Also light variables (14.6 $\pm$ 7.4). Remaining variables had fair to very high emergence. Thus, self-organization, in general is low. As the result of the above facts, variables with very high complexity were relating with hydrology (IO= 10.7 $\pm$ 6.5, RT= 61.9 $\pm$ 40.4) conductivity (ICd=870 $\pm$ 93.5, PCd=1132.6 $\pm$ 182.2) and pH in all zones of lake (7.0 14,6   7 14,67  $\pm$ 0.2) At the tropical lake (T), all physiochemical variables have similar levels of regularity (S) and change (E); consequently majority o f variables have high or very high complexity with the exception of ZM (16.48 $\pm$ 2.29) and Sediment Oxygen (SdO2= 2 $\pm$ 0). 

For the NH, planktonic carbon dioxide (PCD= 9788.5 $\pm$ 2119.1) had very high emergence. Inflow and benthic carbon dioxide (ICD= 10005.7 $\pm$ 1418.2, BCD= 7571.1 $\pm$ 3150.3) were in high emergence category. In contrast, variables with very high self-organization were siliciates in planktonic and benthic zone (PS= 25257.32 $\pm$ 7025.4 BS= 25703.99 $\pm$ 7216.8), phosphorous in 3 layers (IP,PP and BP= 7.69 $\pm$ 2.26) and nitrogen in inflow and planktonic zone (IN and PN= 62.91 $\pm$ 15.1); nitrogen in benthic was high self-organization (79.21 $\pm$ 9.34). Variables in the very high complexity category were inflow silicates (IS), carbon dioxide in inflow and Benthos (ICD,BCD), and detritus (PDt,BDt).  At the NL, due an increasing in the emergence of nitrogen (143.4 $\pm$ 39.08)  and decreasing in the self-organization of detritus, detritus (228989.6 $\pm$ 245332.9),  13 of the 16 variables of the limiting nutrient components was classified in very high and high complexity categories. Carbon dioxide in planktonic and benthic zones, zones (PCD and BCD=),  and benthic detritus (BDt=)  because of their very high emergence were categorized as low complexity variables. At this point of the gradient Ar-T, complexity of the limiting nutrients subsystem has an important variation in terms of its increasing with respect of Ar and NH levels. This levels continuous its increment due the balance between emergence and self-organization values at the end of the gradient. This way, at the tropic lake a very high levels of complexity for the majority of variables are shown. Only a very high emergence of detritus were the exception. From PCA ordination for limiting nutrients at all lakes, the groups that can be identified were a first group representing emergence with detritus and carbon dioxide variables. A second group representing self-organization in nitrogen and inflow phosphorous. A third group representing complexity variables with silicates and phosphorous in planktonic and benthic zone.