Nelson Fernández edited Results.tex  over 10 years ago

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\subsection{Autopoiesis}  There are two ways for observing autopoiesis. The first one is the autopoiesis of the each individual variable that regularly each variable. Variables with more complexity than other have a  positive autopoiesis will come reflecting more autonomy. Variables with low complexity than other have negative autopoiesis, reflecting less autonomy. Results of autopoiesis by variable in each subsystem can be seen in annex **. In general, variables in categories of very high and high complexity, have more autopoiesis resulting as more autonomous; that means they have more capacity of adaptation in front the changes of their environment wich is constituted by the other subsystem variables.  In terms The second one form  of autopoiesis, the autonomy determine autopoiesis is among variables  of different subsystems. According with  the biomass at the tropic demonstrates that this subsystem could be affected in major proportions matter-energy flux  in case ecosystems. It is well-know that photosynthetic living beings depending  of climatic change events. solar radiation and nutrients availability as the base for its metabolism process. Also, zooplankton grazing phytoplankton populations. However, for life sustaining living beings should be more autonomous than their environment. This means that the variables related to living systems should have a greater complexity than the variables related to their environment (Fernández et al., 2014).  It is important to highligh that there is a dependence gradient: Zooplanktonic Population->Phytoplaktonic Populations->solar radiation....       ...In terms of autopoiesis, the autonomy of the biomass at the tropic demonstrates that this subsystem could be affected in major proportions in case of climatic change events.  \subsection{Homeostasis}