Nelson Fernández edited Results.tex  over 10 years ago

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For limiting nutrients subsystem, complexity goes from hig at the Ar to fair in NH; high category is maintaining in NL and T. The transition point for NL is more evident from emergence values because emergence is almost 0.62 (fair category). Emergence starts in the low category in Ar and finish in T in the same category. This means, limiting nutrient change to a greater proportion at NL latitudes.  For Biomass, the transition at NL point is more evident than other subsystems because complexity values reach the higher category of Ar-T transect (0,74; very high category). For Ar and NH biomass, complexity value was classified in the low category and for T in very low. In terms of mean complexity by subsystem, it is seen that Physico-chemical > Limiting Nutrients > Biomass. This order corresponding with the autonomy, which means in general biomass is affected in an important way by changes in their environment. However, the dispersion of Biomass is more than the other two (Fig **) which means that biomass can respond according with the law of required variety to the environmental changes between its complexity range (0.382 ± 0.22). By lake, we can observe that Ar and NL were in the high category and NH and T were in the fair category. In terms of dispersion T >Ar>NH>NL (Fig.**). 

There are two ways for observing autopoiesis. The first one is the autopoiesis of the each variable. Variables with more complexity than other have a positive autopoiesis reflecting more autonomy. Variables with low complexity than other have negative autopoiesis, reflecting less autonomy. Results of autopoiesis by variable in each subsystem can be seen in annex **. In general, variables in categories of very high and high complexity, have more autopoiesis resulting as more autonomous; that means they have more capacity of adaptation in front the changes of their environment wich is constituted by the other subsystem variables.  The second one form of determine autopoiesis is among variables of different subsystems, according with the matter-energy flux in ecosystems. It is well-know that photosynthetic living beings depending of solar radiation and nutrients availability as the base for its metabolism process. Also, zooplankton depending of grazing phytoplankton populations. Starting from complexity values of selected variables of Physico-Chemical, Limiting Nutrients and Biomass showed in table **, we we compare autopoiesis of biomass related wiht the their physico-chemical and limiting nutrients environment. Values of biomass for planktonic and benthic zone are depicted in fig. **.   From table ** we notice that biomass in T is near to zero in plaktonic zone and zero in benthic zone. It means that tropical biommass is almost static as we can verified in their very-high categoy of self-organization. Implies that any pattern in complexity can be observed in biomass as result of the influence of its enviroment which is represented by its physico-chemical and limiting nutrients subsystem. This case gives a minimal autopoiesis for all comparisons carried out with the trajectories of biommas in tropical lake.   Positive values of autopoiesis (A>1) is reached by photosintethic living beings located at the benthic zone of Ar,NH and NL in front of physico-chemical and limiting nutrients. Also A>1 is reached by biomass/limiting nutrients of plaktonic zone at Ar and NH and by biomass/Physico-Chemical of planktonic zone of NL.   In terms of the Ashby's Law of Requisite Variety(Ashby, 1956), photosinthetic biomass in Polar and Template latituds have more variety than its environment. More variety is related wiht a more number of states to face on environmental changes. Varieyt is the result of very high complexity and could be reflecting as more biomass autonomy.  However, for life sustaining living beings should be more autonomous than their environment. This means that the variables related to living systems should have a greater complexity than the variables related to their environment (Fernández et al., 2014). Our experiments carried out shows that... It is important to highligh that there is a dependence gradient: Zooplanktonic Population->Phytoplaktonic Populations->solar radiation....