Nelson Fernández edited Case studies.tex  over 10 years ago

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North 2 lakes corresponds with a highland mesotrophic ecosystem in a cool North-Temperate climate (Mean 5.3ºC). Levels of chlorophyll are between 2.2.-6.2 mg/m3. The surface is covered with ice in winter (end of November, December, January and early February). Ice covering forms a barrier to the wind which minimizes losses of water evaporation while the bottom of the lake remains unfrozen. The water column does not thermostratified and is permanently well mixed whit levels of 50% in summer and 90% in winter. The maximum flows are in spring and autumn (9.6) with minimum flow in summer(0.6). Evaporation is reduced because their water is more or less cold and vapour-pressure gradients are no large (mean of 9,262). Retention Time is maximum in summer with 100 days. Oxygen concentration is upper to 10 mg/lt in the three layers. pH mean values are around 7 to 7.3, but it moves in a range of 6.7 to 7.8 from the surface to bottom.  Variables correlations are more seasonal than the N1. It means the period of winter summer  is related with high retention time, higher pH and winter season  with the higher levels of oxygen, inflow and outflow and oxygen. However, there is a more strong correlation of benthic and sediment Oxygen. \subsection{Tropical Lake}