Nelson Fernández edited Results.tex  over 10 years ago

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\subsubsection{Complexity in the Physico-chemical Subsystem}  At the Arctic Lake (Ar) variables related with light in all zones  (SL, PL and BL) have high value of emergence, while benthic conductivity (BCd) and percentage of water mixing between planktonic and benthonic zones (ZM) have very high self-organization. Remaining variables were classified in very high complexity category, with the exception of two variables associated with inflow and benthic conductivity (ICd and BCd) that are ranking in very low complexity category. At the north highland lake (NH), light variables increase their ranking to very high emergence category, in consequence its complexity was reduced to low and very low categories. BCd and Zm variables increase its complexity to high category. 

\subsubsection{Complexity in the Limiting Nutrient Subsystem}  Limiting nutrients shown at the Arctic high changes in inflow silicates (SL), carbon dioxide in the inflow and planktonic Zones (ICD, PCD). Very High regularity in nitrogen at the 3 layers of lakes; high regularity in silicates, phosporous in plankctonic and bencthic benthic  zones (PS, BS, PP, BP). Also, planktonic detritus (PDt). In complexity terms very high category was for IS, PP,BP, BCD and planktonic and benthonic detritus. For the NH, carbon dioxide (PCD) had very high emergence at planktonic zone and high in inflow and benthic carbon dioxide (BCD). In contrast, variables with very high self-organization were siliciates in planktonic and benthic zone, nitrogen and phosphorous in 3 layers were in (nitrogen in benthic was high S). Variables in the very high complexity category were inflow silicates (due to high E and low S), carbon dioxide in inflow and C**, and detritus.