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\subsubsection{Complexity in the Physico-chemical Subsystem}  At the Arctic Lake (Ar) variables related with light in surface, planktonic and benthic zones (SL, PL and BL) have high value of emergence. Variation of light was 10.28 $\pm$ 10.44. Meantime, benthic conductivity (BCd, 600.3 $\pm$ 40.8 µS) and percentage of water mixing between planktonic and benthonic zones (ZM, 50 $\pm$ 3.53%) have very high self-organization.   Remaining variables were classified in very high complexity category, with the exception of two variables associated conductivity (ICd=3896.96 $\pm$ 17.29 µS and BCd= 600,32 $\pm$ 40.53 µS) which were ranking in very low complexity category.  At the north highland lake (NH), light variables increase their ranking to very high emergence category, in consequence its complexity was reduced to low and very low categories. The ligh variation for all zones was between 12.31 $\pm$ 9.31. Meantime BCd (598.2 $\pm$ 95.91 µS) and Zm (62.05 $\pm$ 19.36) variables increase its complexity to high category. 

In a similar way with limiting nutrient subsystem, when gradient Ar-T reaches the NL point, the dynamics of emergence and self-organization varies in considerable level. Here, the complexity of almost all variables were maximum due the balance in self-organization and emergence. Only chlorophiceas (PCh= 6.2 $\pm$ 5.1), benthic detritivorous (BDt= 3.84 $\pm$ 71.71) and fishes in planktonic and benthic zones (PiF, BF and PF = 0.2 $\pm$ 4.51) have very high regularity for all annual cycle.   In contrast to the NL, the biomass subsystem in the tropic reflects very low complexity due the very high self-organization of the living taxa. Only planktonic and piscivorous fishes (PlF= 0.099 $\pm$ 0.005; PiF= 0.13 $\pm$ 0.67 ) 0.67)  have very high and high complexity, respectively. From PCA ordination, it can be seen that photosynthetic taxa of planktonic and benthonic zone are more emergent. Consumers primaries and secondaries of the plankton in addition with clorophiceas and benthic detritivorous are more self-organized. Piscivorous and planktivorous fishes are more complex. 

For Biomass, the transition at NL point is more evident than other subsystems because complexity values reach the higher category of Ar-T transect (0,74; very high category). For Ar and NH biomass, complexity value was classified in the low category and for T in very low.  In terms of mean complexity by subsystem, it is seen that Physico-chemical > Limiting Nutrients > Biomass. This order corresponding with the autonomy, which means in general biomass is affected in an important way by changes in their environment. However, the dispersion of Biomass is more than the other two (Fig **) which means that biomass can respond according with the law of required variety to the environmental changes between its complexity range (0.382 ± 0.22).  By lake, we can observe that Ar and NL were in the high category and NH and T were in the fair category. In terms of dispersion T >Ar>NH>NL (Fig.**).   By lake, we can observe that Ar and NL were in the high category and NH and T were in the fair category. In terms of dispersion T >Ar>NH>NL (Fig.**).  Parametric multiple comparison test of Tukey shows that, in terms of average complexity, physic-chemical and limiting nutrients did not have significance differences (p= 0.85; p>0.05) while biomass has significance differences with the other two subsystems (*p<0.05). On the other hand, ANOVA test shows that there are not significance differences among complexity of lakes in the Ar-T transect (p>0.05). 

\subsection{Autopoiesis}  There are two ways for observing autopoiesis. The first one is the autopoiesis of the each individual variable that regularly positive autopoiesis will come  In terms of autopoiesis, the autonomy of the biomass at the tropic demonstrates that this subsystem could be affected in major proportions in case of climatic change events.