Nelson Fernández edited Results.tex  over 10 years ago

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For Biomass, the transition at NL point is more evident than other subsystems because complexity values reach the higher category of Ar-T transect (0,74; very high category). For Ar and NH biomass, complexity value was classified in the low category and for T in very low.  In terms of mean complexity by subsystem, it is seen that Physico-chemical > Limiting Nutrients > Biomass. This order corresponding with the autonomy, which means in general biomass is affected in an important way by changes in their environment. However, the dispersion of Biomass is more than the other two (Fig **) which means that biomass can respond according with the law of required variety to the environmental changes between its complexity range (0.382 ± 0.22).   By lake, we can observe that Ar and NL were in the high category and NH and T were in the fair category. In terms of dispersion T >Ar>NH>NL (Fig.**).  Parametric multiple comparison test of Tukey shows that, in terms of average complexity, physic-chemical and limiting nutrients did not have significance differences (p= 0.85; p>0.05) while biomass has significance differences with the other two subsystems (*p<0.05). On the other hand, ANOVA test shows that there are not significance differences among complexity of lakes in the Ar-T transect (p>0.05).  In ecological terms, the dynamics observed at NL point in the transect Ar-T could be estimates as a complexity ecotone or “complextone”(tone, from the Greek tonos or tension). That means that NL point could be considered as a “physical transition zone” for complexity values among lakes in a latitudinal gradient. Consequently for some variables therein subsystems it is estimates that it could be to represents diverse complexity ecoclines or “complexcline” (cline from Greek: κλίνω "to possess or exhibit gradient, to lean"), due their complexity variation. For example for biomass, we can that there is a biocline in the transect Ar-T and in particular for cyanobacteria at the planktonic zone (PCy) we can name a complex cyanocline.