Figure 2 - Evidence for Host-to-host Transmission of Multiple Ebola Virus Makona Genomes.
(A) Certain intrahost variants (iSNVs) appear in samples throughout the 2013-2015 EVD epidemic, suggesting that iSNVs can be transmitted between patients. Variants shared between two or more samples are shown as rows of connected points; each row is a genomic position (ordered by position along the genome, top to bottom) and each point indicates the presence of the iSNV in a patient.
(B) Phylogenetic placement of derived alleles at genomic position 18,911 implies both repeated transmission within clades as well as some amount of recurrent mutation. Colored tips are sized according to frequency of iSNV at position 18,911. Tips with small black points are those with iSNV calls at any position; other tips represent samples with no iSNV calls. This figure shows only the portion of the tree relevant for this analysis; large branches with no SNPs or iSNVs at position 18,911 are not shown. See also Figure S3.