#Empirical Studies of Unemployment: Search Behavior, Reintegration and Prevention \cite{krause_empirical_2013}.
She measured the chance of finding jobs in a population of unemployed. Several questions regarding their attitudes were asked:

  • Risk attitudes: How do you estimate yourself personally: are you generally prepared to take risks or do you try to avoid risks?
  • Time preferences: How do you regard yourself as an individual: are you someone who generally gets impatient or someone who always has a lot of patience?
  • Trust: How do you regard yourself as an individual: are you someone who generally trusts others or are you someone who does not trust others?
  • Reciprocity: To what extent does the following statement apply to you? I am prepared to accept costs to help someone who has helped me previously.

No results with an exception of risk attitude.
More risk averse individuals are less selective, i.e. that they have lower reservation wages – which then lead to higher employment probabilities.
Time preferences, trust and reciprocity do not affect the probability of being employed

##OLS Coefs:
Risk -.009 (0.003)

Time 0.004 (0.003)

Trust 0.003 (0.004)

Reciprocity 0.003 (0.005)