
Drosophila stocks

All stocks were maintained at \(25\,^{\circ}\mathrm{C}\) on conventional media. For the two screening steps, virgin females (Peb-GAL4, UAS-Dcr2;Or47b>CD8::GFP, Or92a>CD8::GFP) or Orco-GAL4 (BDSC 26818), were mated to either UAS-miRNA or UAS-IR (inverted repeat) males. The crosses were maintained at \(25\,^{\circ}\mathrm{C}\) until being shifted to \(27\,^{\circ}\mathrm{C}\) during pupation to enhance GAL4 expression. All UAS-miRNA and UAS-IR lines that were found to reduce the expression of the GFP reporters were crossed and checked 2-3 times each to ensure reproducibility. Two different UAS-Atf3-IR lines (BDSC 26741 and VDRC 105036) produced identical phenotypes.