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SLYKLatent, a Learning Framework for efficient Facial Features Estimation
  • Samuel Adebayo,
  • Joost C Dessing,
  • Seán Mcloone
Samuel Adebayo
Centre for Intelligent Autonomous Manufacturing Systems, Queen's University Belfast

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Joost C Dessing
Centre for Intelligent Autonomous Manufacturing Systems, Queen's University Belfast
Seán Mcloone
Centre for Intelligent Autonomous Manufacturing Systems, Queen's University Belfast


In this research, we present SLYKLatent, a novel approach for enhancing gaze estimation by addressing appearance instability challenges in datasets due to aleatoric uncertainties, covariant shifts, and test domain generalization. SLYKLatent utilizes Self-Supervised Learning for initial training with facial expression datasets, followed by refinement with a patch-based tri-branch network and an inverse explained variance weighted training loss function. Our evaluation on benchmark datasets achieves an 8.7% improvement on Gaze360, rivals top MPI-IFaceGaze results, and leads on a subset of ETH-XGaze by 13%, surpassing existing methods by significant margins. Additionally, adaptability tests on RAF-DB and Affectnet show 86.4% and 60.9% accuracies, respectively. Ablation studies confirm the effectiveness of SLYKLatent's novel components. This approach has strong potential in human-robot interaction.
02 Feb 2024Submitted to TechRxiv
12 Feb 2024Published in TechRxiv