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The Green Bank Ammonia Survey: A Virial Analysis of Gould Belt Clouds in Data Release 1
  • Helen Kirk,
  • James Di Francesco
Helen Kirk

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James Di Francesco
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We perform a virial analysis of dense cores in three nearby star-forming regions : L1688 in Ophiuchus, NGC 1333 in Perseus, and B18 in Taurus.  Our analysis takes advantage of  comprehensive kinematic information for the dense gas in all of these regions made available through the Green Bank Ammonia Survey Data Release 1, which is publicly available.  We combine this information with continuum data from the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope Gould Belt Survey to estimate the dense core masses and sizes, and ancillary data to estimate other properties of the dense cores and their local environments.  Our self-consistent analysis suggests that many dense cores in all three star-forming regions are not bound by gravity alone, but rather require additional pressure confinement in order to remain bound.  This is true for a larger proportion of dense cores in L1688 than in NGC 1333 or B18 [Could we list %s here?]  Our broad conclusion of the importance of pressure confinement in dense core evolution agrees with earlier work using similar datasets and techniques in the Orion A molecular cloud.