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article Promoting financial inclusion and savings in developed countries: a field experiment in Italy Preliminary evidence from a pilot study thanks: We are grateful to Martin Brown, Jean-Marie Baland, Pascaline Dupas, and seminar participants at St. Gallen and Namur for helpful comments. We also want to thank the Federazione Marchigiana Banche di Credito Cooperativo (FMBCC) and especially Francesco Valentini and Gianluca Mazzarini for the unvaluable help and support provided during the project. This research is part of the project “Actors, Markets, and Institutions in Developing Countries: A micro-empirical approach” (AMID), a Marie Curie Initial Training Network (ITN) funded by the European Commission under its Seventh Framework Program - Contract Number 214705 PITN-GA-2008-214705. It received financial support from the Levi Strauss Foundation.
  • Giorgia Barboni,
  • Alessandra Cassar,
  • Awaiting Activation
Giorgia Barboni

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Alessandra Cassar
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Awaiting Activation
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