Whyjay Zheng

and 9 more

Supplemental material (SM; also known as supplementary information) comes with its associated research article and provides study details such as metadata, additional figures and text, multimedia, and code. Well-designed SM helps readers fully understand the underlying scientific analysis, reproduce the work, and even reuse the workflows for exploratory ideas. Thus, the concept of FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable), which is originally designed for data sharing guidelines, also matches these core qualities for SM.We evaluate different SM-preparation practices that are commonly found in Earth Science journal articles. These practices are classified into five tiers based on the FAIR principles and the narrative structure. We show that Jupyter Book-based SM belongs to the top tier and outperforms the other practices, despite being not as popular as the other SM-preparation practices as of 2022.We identify the advantages of the Jupyter Book-based SM as follows. Jupyter Book uses a narrative structure to combine different elements of SM into a single scholarly object, increasing readability. Jupyter Book's direct support of HTML publishing allows users to web host the SM using services such as Github Pages, improving the web indexing ranks and resulting in higher exposure of both the research article and the SM. The entire SM is also eligible to be archived in a data repository and receive a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) that can be used for citations. In addition, Jupyter Book-based SM lowers the threshold of reproducing and reusing the work by accessing an interactive cloud computing service (e.g., MyBinder.org) with all data and code imported if the content is available on a code-hosting platform (e.g., Github).These features summarize the core values of SM from the perspective of open science. We encourage researchers to use these good practices and urge journal publishers to be open to receiving such supplements for maximum effectiveness.

Tasha Snow

and 5 more

Outlet glaciers account for almost half of the Greenland Ice Sheet’s mass loss since 1990. Warming subsurface Atlantic Water (AW) has been implicated in much of that loss, particularly along Greenland’s southeastern coast. However, oceanographic observations are sparse prior to the last decade, making it difficult to diagnose changes in AW properties reaching the glaciers. Here, we investigate the use of sea surface temperatures (SST) to quantify ocean temperature variability on the continental shelf near Sermilik Fjord and Helheim Glacier. We find that after removing the short-term, atmospheric-driven variability in non-winter months, regional SSTs provide a reliable upper ocean temperature record. In the trough region near Sermilik Fjord, the adjusted SSTs correlate well with moored ocean measurements of the water entering the fjord at depth and driving glacier melting. Using this relationship, we reconstruct the AW variability on the shelf dating back to 2000, eight years before the first mooring deployments. Seasonally, AW reaches close to the fjord’s mouth in fall and winter and further offshore in spring. Interannually, the AW temperatures in the trough do not always track properties in the source waters of the Irminger Current. Instead, the properties of the waters found at the fjord mouth depend on both variations in the source AW and, also, in the Polar Water that flows into the region from the Arctic Ocean. Satellite-derived SSTs, although dependent on local oceanography, have the potential to improve understanding around previously unanswered glacier-ocean questions in areas surrounding Greenland and Antarctica.